Saturday, November 24, 2018


Ten months In Penang Matriculation College .

Hi everyone, today I wanna share about my miracle lecturers  in kmpp.

From the first day, I was very happy because my best friend also got kmpp .we are very close and also have a mission to got an excellent result in pspm. Yeah and let fighting !!!!
For the second day, I  shocked because I got pure science stream class (modul 1) .i didn’t know why I got this course because I thinked that I got modul 2 which is physics and didn’t have biology . I scared with blood and I don’t like to giving my blood for charity .
Back to my second day, the class started with biology class and im the person that sat in front of the lecturer but I didn’t understand what the lecturer taught .heheehee . For 5 months I didn’t study then I become lazy and forgot what I learned before.

After a week of assimilation for the new environment in matrics , I seriously want to change the course but im confused to change to modul 2 or accounting. Then, I asked my senior that change the course same like me and she said if you sure to change to account so be prepare and always asked the lecturer or go to meet up the lecturer if you are confused with the topics.
So I am grateful and happy because when I entered the accounting class . my friend also didn’t have   basic accounting  and the lecturer started teaching from the beginner.

I started love accounting because of my lecturer,Puan Suzana who is caring and friendly .She also didn’t have basic accounting when she in diploma but now she is so geniuse and master in accounting. I love her to the moon and back . She always advise me to push myself to study and enjoy accounting class . Eventhough she keep  giving us tutorials  but I know from the practise , I started learn new things in accounting . Everyday after classes , I must go to meet up puan suzana because I know if I didn’t met her , I will  lost the topics that she taught in class. 

Then, my favourite managemet lecturer ,Puan Norlin. She is so polite lecturer with her nice voice and I didn’t see she angry . heeeee that why I love her so much .Besides,  I called her mum because she seem like  my mother.I knew my result for pspm 1 made she felt sad because she targeted me to got A in managemet but I got A- . hmmm. I felt sorry and to be honest, I felt like I know to answer the question but in the middle of the exam , I cant memories  all things  that I read and suddenly I cried in the examination room. 

Next,my hyperactive and intelligent lecturer,Miss Hidayah .She is a new lecturer who graduated from UK university  and she also a  matrics student who got best result in exam and  can fly to UK to study there . She always angry with me because I cant solve the question that she gave  to me . Heheehee . But she knew that my practicumate also didn’t know how to got the answer. We are so lucky because when we confused to got the answer , she will teach us again and again. She is so rare,talkative and humour person . She taugh us in semester 1 only but I still contact her to asked how to solve the question and I like how she taugh me better than the lecturer in semester 2   but both of the lecturers are awesome !!!

Last but not least, my economy lecturer who is Puan Edayu. When you look at her , you will feel like wow so gorgeous!She is a simple person .she taugh us without looking to the reference book . She is so amazing guys . She always said that economy is easy  as abc but you should understand what you learned and then do simple note . Done !  From this, I got more info about economy and I love to learn economy from her .I really miss puan edayu damn much .
That memories  in matrics surely I cant forget how much I love them.

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